Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
San Tat net book reflection 2013
This year I have found using my netbook to be successful.I have enjoyed using my netbook because I like to writing on my netbook. I like to do maths and we have to play maths whizz on our netbooks.
I found writing hard because I had to find the letters on my key board. I found getting on to math whizz hard because of the connectivity and flash problems.
I have found the blog work interesting because I can put my work on to my blog. I like to put work on to my blog because when I finish my work and I like to put on my blog.
I like writing on my netbook and when we finish and we have to put on to we blog because miss paton saw you finish and miss paton said we have to put on we blog.
I found writing hard because I had to find the letters on my key board. I found getting on to math whizz hard because of the connectivity and flash problems.
I have found the blog work interesting because I can put my work on to my blog. I like to put work on to my blog because when I finish my work and I like to put on my blog.
I like writing on my netbook and when we finish and we have to put on to we blog because miss paton saw you finish and miss paton said we have to put on we blog.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
My Bio Poem
San Tat Is Artistic, team player, considerate, talented, creative.
Son of: Micho Brother of: Pahnwee, Sankyaw, Aungnaing
Lover of: rugby, soccer, touch Rugby
Who feels: happy, good, loved
Who gives: books, foods, kindness
Who fears: dogs, spiders
Who would like to see: kiwi, lions, kangaroos,
Who lives in: Panmure, Auckland, new Zealand
Painting Reflection by San Tat
1. Are you pleased with your abstract painting? why / why not?
Yes I am pleased with my painting because it looks cool.
Blue is my favourite colour.
2. What did you find easy when you created your abstract painting?
I found it easy to choose the colour blue.
3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your abstract painting? -think about painting, ruling it up etc.
I found it tricky to draw the circles.
4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton helped me when I was painting.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: colours, painting, ruling of grid, etc.
I would do a big one next time because I really liked painting that one.
6. What frustrated you when you created your abstract painting?I got frustrated making the lines with the ruler It was a long time.
Friday, 23 November 2012
My Narrative
the cat
The cat was sad and its ear was hurt. The dog bit the cat and got a sore ear.The cat was in the house and the fire burn the cats ears.The man was looking at the cat. the cat was hungry and it was looking for a bird.The bird flew up the tree and the cat followed the bird and and fell out of the tree the cat was hurt. The cat was crossing the road and the driver of the car didn’t see the cat. The car was going too fast and hit the cat.The lady got out of the car went over to the cat and touched it with a stick. The cat was alive. The lady picked up the cat and took the cat home.The lady helped the cat to heal and she adopted the cat.
The cat is got sore on her ears and the lady is came and help the cat.The cat is get hard they ears and the lady is like the cat and she is take off the cat got sore ears and the cat is not get sore in nimar. The cat is self with the lady and the lady is look after the cat.
And the lady is look after a cat and the man is said to lady can I have the cat and the lady is said no and the lady is said I like this cat. And the lady is said to the man win you had the cat you not look after the cat and the cat is got sore again. The lady is like the cat and the cat is like the lady because the lady is look after the cat. The lady is look after the cat and the cat is think the lady is doctor and the doctor is look after the cat and the cat is not look like sad is look like hapi.
The cat is sata at the hospital a long time at the hospital and the cat is getting lots better and the cat is not get hurt innimor. The lady is came back to she cat and she is look at she cat and the cat is get better. And the hospital titr is late the lady have the cat and the cat is went back to the lady home
My Popplet
This is my popplet on Friedrich Vordemberge Gildewart. He is an abstract artist.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
The three little pigs retold By San Tat
One day the three little pigs were going to work. The three little pigs found some straw. They made a house of straw. Another day they found some sticks and they made a house out of sticks. Another day they went looking for bricks and made a house out of the bricks. The wolf was coming to the three little pigs houses. The wolf said “Little pig, little pig let me come in or I will blow your house in” said the wolf. The first pig ran to his brothers house. The wolf was coming to the second little pigs house and the wolf said to the two little pigs “Little pig, little pig let me in”. The wolf said “I will blow your house in” . The two little pigs were running to their brothers house. The wolf was coming to the three little pigs house and the wolf said to three little pigs, “Little pigs, little pigs let me in”. The wolf said “I will blow your house in”. The wolf tried to blow the house in and no one would let him in. The wolf was climbing up the roof and came down the chimney hole. The three little pigs were boiling hot water pot and the wolf was fell down into the pot and he died.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
My easy maths By San tat
easy maths
1. Ten times table.
E.g 4x10= 4 wih zero added
312x10= 312 with zero added
2. five tlme tables
For even numbers- halve the number and add a zero
2x5 half of 2 is 1plus add a zero=10
4x5= half of 4 is 2 plus add a zero =20
12x5= half of 12 is 6plus add a zereo = 60
Odd numbers
Look a the even number below and put a 5 after it.
eg. 5x3= (2) half of 2 is 1, then put a 5 after it. = 15
5x7 = (6) half of 6 is 3, then put a 5 after it = 35
I must know that even numbers are numbers that can divide into 2 evenly.
eg. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly.
eg. 3, 5, 7, 9.,11
1. Ten times table.
E.g 4x10= 4 wih zero added
312x10= 312 with zero added
2. five tlme tables
For even numbers- halve the number and add a zero
2x5 half of 2 is 1plus add a zero=10
4x5= half of 4 is 2 plus add a zero =20
12x5= half of 12 is 6plus add a zereo = 60
Odd numbers
Look a the even number below and put a 5 after it.
eg. 5x3= (2) half of 2 is 1, then put a 5 after it. = 15
5x7 = (6) half of 6 is 3, then put a 5 after it = 35
I must know that even numbers are numbers that can divide into 2 evenly.
eg. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
Odd numbers cannot be divided evenly.
eg. 3, 5, 7, 9.,11
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Canada's Medal Winning Sport: By San Tat
These are the sports that Canada won medals in. Canoe Sprint and Swimming had the highest medals with a total of 1 Silver, and 2 Bronze. Trampoline was the only one the got a Gold medal though.
Monday, 13 August 2012
My medal tally graph by San tat
This is my Medal graph that I made on Google spreadsheet. I gather all the countries and medals to the spreadsheet. My graph tells me the USA won the most gold medals.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Monday, 18 June 2012
Reflecting on my Papier Mache Hot Air Balloon
Art: Reflecting on my Papier Mache
Hot Air Balloon
1. Are you pleased with your Hot Air Balloon? why / why not?
Yes because I like balloon and the colours.
2. What did you find easy when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Puting the giue and the green on the lines was easy.
3. What part did you find tricky when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
It was hard to do the papier mache.
4. Who / What helped you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Raymond and Miss Paton helped me when I made my hot air balloon.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: Painting, Smoothing, Gluing of ribbon, Glittering and Time Management.
Next time I would like to paint the balloon blue.
6. What frustrated you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
It was frustrating to paint the balloon and to tear the paper because it was too big or too little.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
My Tapa Instructions By San Tat
My Tapa.
I needed a ruler to do my Tapa. First I ruled the grid. I drew patterns in my Tapa. then I went over the patterns with vivid. When I finished the vivid I put brown dye over my Tapa. I
also put the bleach over where I wanted it to be white.First I drew the pattern with a pencil then with black vivid.Next I scrunched up my paper before dyeing it brown.I am happy when I look at my tapa.I liked using the ruler the best.
My time at Eastern Beach, by San tat
On Monday we went to the beach. I went swimming. I like swimming. Mrs Huggins was in the kayak. I played soft ball with Oh Smar. I like going to the beach.
All about San Tat
Hi my name is San tat. I am a year 5 and I'm in Room 5. In my spare time I would always read a book or do some colouring in quietly. This is my first blog.
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